Some Kind Of Wonderful

Three weeks ago a request came to the chaplains office that Dr. Dunn,
an attending physician at the VA, wanted a chaplain to join his medical
team. Dr. Dunn has traveled across the world doing medical missions.
Working alongside missionaries and pastors they met physical
needs and then turned to address spiritual needs. His desire and
prayer is that this holistic healing approach could be brought to the VA level.

This pilot program would involve a chaplain on
the medical team as a key component. Physical and spiritual
needs would be addressed

God in his wisdom allowed me to join Dr. Dunn for this awesome

After daily morning briefings on the patients we began making rounds on the floor.
The resident doctors, Dr. Dunn, and I would gather around the patient
and discuss treatment plans. The doctors would introduce me as the VA chaplain and with
the involvement of Dr. Dunn we would inquire about their spiritual
needs or questions.

In many cases He and I would follow up privately with patients that
showed interest in discussing spiritual matters.
After three weeks the team and I observed immeasurable results.
We witnessed countless prayers, many  re-dedications, salvation's, exalted spirits, and
even a baptism occurred.

I'm aware that very few, including clergy, have been privileged to
participate in an experience such as this. Needless to say our actions became the
buzz around the hospital. Naturally there was some slight spiritual irritation that occurred but we were all riding such a glorious high we had little time to be bothered by it.

Dr. Dunn has been a champion for spiritual things at the VA since
1971. His Godly presence and Christlikeness has sustained many. The
eruption of spiritual fruit from this program has been like pouring
living water over parched earth.

It has been an honor to have been worthy of this experience. As we
wrapped up this last day of the medical team, one by one resident
doctors began to express to me the impact this new test program has
personally had on their lives and practice.

It remains to be seen if this will develop into the creation of a new description of the
medical teams. It certainly is a prayer request for all of you.
Whatever the future holds for this, lives have been changed and God
has been glorified.



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