
I led a PTSD support group this morning. The room was filled with
Korean, Vietnam, and Gulf war veterans.

I began the session with a short story from my childhood.

There was a huge rock or boulder in the creek that is behind the old
home place. My brothers and I would spend many summers playing around
that rock. We lit fires on it, ate sack lunches, and shot off fire
works atop that boulder that lay in the middle of the creek. When it
would come a hard rain, the stream became a river. When the waters
receded, that rock was still there. Later my father told me that the
rock was actually part of the mountain protruding up out of the stream.

Spirituality is like that rock. No mater what, that rock was and is
always there. My faith is that rock. Never failing, never changing. In
an unpredictable changing world the rock of our faith is there for
strength and reassurance.

As we went around the room, all the men shared great insight to the
rock of their faith guiding them through their PTSD.

When I wrapped up the meeting one man spoke up. He had said very
little in the group thus far.
He said to me, young man, my name is Jerry J. I knew your father. He
was the best pastor I ever knew. I know your brothers and your
sisters. I've met them all but you. I just want you to know that your
father would be proud of you today.

I was floored.
The men all erupted into cheers and applause. It was a cherished moment.
When the men broke up, Jerry disappeared before I could speak to him.

I left the meeting with a confirmation that God indeed was in charge.

God is good



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