Finding Atlantis

Three passages of scripture have blended together in my my mind lately
and I believe there is a profound truth to gather from them if you will apply your heart to understanding.
The three passages are as follows
Read them...slowly... and think with me for a few spiritual moments.
Read them...slowly... and think with me for a few spiritual moments.
Acts 17:26-27
...he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 26From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.
Esther 1:14
... and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Each of us has a purpose. God is a big God and His mysterious and
omniscient work is so utterly profound that you can get a headache
trying to understand it.
omniscient work is so utterly profound that you can get a headache
trying to understand it.
His desire is for every person to come
into sweet fellowship with Him.He loves us.
He demonstrates this by salvation through Christ Jesus.
into sweet fellowship with Him.He loves us.
He demonstrates this by salvation through Christ Jesus.
We may think that we decide on our locations to work, live, and the
circles we move about however God governs these things to His purpose and end. He is constantly drawing us to himself. The components and combination's of influence that He uses are complex and effective.
circles we move about however God governs these things to His purpose and end. He is constantly drawing us to himself. The components and combination's of influence that He uses are complex and effective.
God uses multiple tools to gain our attention. His desire if for us to see
Him...outstretched hands...inviting... to His warm embrace with peace and abundance.
Him...outstretched hands...inviting... to His warm embrace with peace and abundance.
When we, through unity of new birth, find our place in Gods plan and purpose our lives gain meaning. We are validated as a child of God again and again.
God loves us as we are, not for the people we pretend to be but for
the sinners we are. When we feel His unmerited love we realize He
chose us from the beginning. He looked past the dirt, sin, and
mistakes of our lives and he set us apart.
Paul (Saul) had a sordid past with many ignorant mistakes but he saw
that God set him apart from birth. God looks past the sin and
foolishness of our lives and He calls us to Himself...where sin abounds,
grace abounds MORE
that God set him apart from birth. God looks past the sin and
foolishness of our lives and He calls us to Himself...where sin abounds,
grace abounds MORE
Upon the dawning of His love and grace
that He undeservedly lavishes on us,
our purpose becomes visible.
that He undeservedly lavishes on us,
our purpose becomes visible.
All our life has been a teaching, purifying, and preparation for a time such as
this...the instrument for His use.
He captured your heart.
You are his.
He called you from birth.
Your time is today.
You are his.
He called you from birth.
Your time is today.
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