A GOD Moment: Opera Company of Philadelphia "Hallelujah Chorus!"

Check out this video on YouTube:

Matthew 9:36 (NIV)    When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 


There's no fitting modern version of the Judean country side in which Jesus met the crowd of seekers than Macy's department store during the holiday shopping season.


The rapturous and thunderous applause at the conclusion of the chorus reveals to me a divine need that had been met by this random act of kindness. In a world of chaos and confusion, people have a swelling intrinsic need to connect with a God of wonder, amazement, and majesty; something bigger than themselves; a celestial vision that sets chaos in order!


By nature of life, work, pressure, and toil we all can easily lower our heads and drudge through life with short goals of just finishing the day or making it to the weekend. God in His amazing love and passion for us, at seemingly random moments, lifts our heads and enables us to see Him high and lifted up in all His glory; a moment of awe, peaceful, transcendent, and majestic.


Nothing envelopes our hearts and raises our spirit more than a divine moment; a spiritual event where you know heaven has smiled upon you. Amazingly, God may use you to provide that moment for....sheep, lost from the fold.



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