Operation Stand Down

Matthew 25:35-40
"I was hungry and you fed me,
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,
I was homeless and you gave me a room,
I was shivering and you gave me clothes,
I was sick and you stopped to visit,
                         I was in prison and you came to me.'
"…Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me."  (Message)

Never before have I seen this verse in action as much as it is at Operation Stand Down Nashville. This seems to be the driving force behind this remarkable agency.

Operation Stand Down Nashville (OSDN) is a veteran non-profit agency that reaches out to our nation's veterans and assists them with employment, transitional housing, legal services, referrals, and more. "Stand Down" is a military term which describes the movement of soldiers in combat to a safe place. OSDN serves as a point of entry for many veterans in transition to a productive and vibrant contribution to their community.

At this year's 18th annual event, OSDN reached over 400 homeless veterans in one weekend. The three day event becomes a roll call for veterans across the region. This year's event was held on October 22-24 at the Tennessee Preparatory school's athletic facility. Homeless and struggling veterans filed into the gymnasium for the opening ceremonies and a BBQ lunch. The weekend provided hot meals, showers, a change of clothes, and personal effects.

Military tents, fully outfitted for sleeping quarters 
and hospitality, covered the athletic fields. 
The most beneficial to many was the free
full range of medical services, free legal services 
with a sitting Judge on duty. 

Disability claims/benefits and Veterans Affairs services were all made available. Nearly 800 volunteers were involved with 186 supporting organizations. It's impossible to capture the full extent of the weekend without witnessing it firsthand. Hundreds of volunteer's and grateful, pleasant veterans made it a landmark weekend.

The most compelling message that left a permanent impression on my heart was the example of Matthew 25 being displayed before my very eyes. I witnessed physicians examine patients for hours on end only to return early the next day to start again. Nurses taking vitals from nameless and homeless soldiers lined up out the door and on the lawn; barbers working tirelessly through the night grooming disheveled veterans into respectable looking men and women; legal services granting mercy and forgiveness to countless litigants; hot meals being served with a smile to hundreds of hungry and parched souls; volunteers lining up to extend not a hand out, but a hand up. On and on I could go. The expression of love and gratitude was remarkable.

Undoubtedly, this land we call America, the place we call home, would not be a land of the free and home of the brave if it were not for the bravery and service that our veterans have provided.

Jesus said the first shall be last and the last shall be first. To those that gave some and to the some that gave all, at Operation Stand Down Nashville, they are FIRST.


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