A Physicians Prayer

Lord, Thou Great Physician, 
I kneel before Thee. 
Since every good and perfect 
gift must come from Thee:
I Pray
Give skill to my hand, 
clear vision to my mind, 
kindness and sympathy to my heart. 
Give me singleness of purpose, 
strength to lift at least a part 
of the burden of those under my care, 
and a true realization of the rare privilege 
that is mine. Take from my heart 
all guile and worldliness, 
that with the simple faith of a child 
I may rely on Thee.

Author Unknown


  1. im glad u posted this because it really reminds me of how i couldnt accomplish all that i have without God and the support of my husband and daughter. See im a music minister at a church where i dont seem to be accepted very well, which makes it very hard for me to enjoy myself and worship the Lord will at church. If it wasnt for God and my familys support through all of this i could not do it. Thank You for posting this and reminding me

  2. Thank you. I sent you an email with encouragement. I don't know if you received it.

    Check out Gravity by COLDPLAY
    My wife is a childrens minister. I shared this song with her for her to know that in the tough times, God and the ones that loved her were with her.


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