Conversations with God

Now let me see if I understand you correctly, I've been training for
two years in Clinical Pastoral Chaplaincy and your telling me it was
all for them?


I thought I was doing this for...



There you go again, thinking that it's all about you. I put you there
to be with them in their time of sorrow. To be my comfort and
strength. They needed you.

I don't understand. didn't think I loved them that much?

No, I'm not saying that. I know you love's just...I thought this work was about your love for me.

Oh I love you John Mark. Let me ask you, what makes you the most
fulfilled; the happiest; what feeds your soul and makes your spirit smile?

Uh...I'm not sure.

When you see me work through YOU. When there's no question that I'm
using you as part of my great big plan.'re right. But...what about my future?

Here we go with you again.

Indulge me. about I give you some answers you're familiar with?

That sounds good. Now, is this what I'm supposed to be doing?


That's not funny. Seriously, do you want me to keep doing this?

Maybe... can stop now.

Could be...
We'll see...
To early to tell...

Alright alright, I get the point.

You see John Mark, you're too indecisive. You tell others to have
confidence before me while in yourself there is doubt and uncertainty.
I have a great big world with so many souls I want to touch with my
love. You're the one I've chosen for this. The route in which you will
journey to touch them will be...shall I say full of surprises.
Continue to do what I've equipped you to do John Mark, regardless of
when, where, and how. I'll take charge of that.

I don't know why you use me.

Because your a living example of what my message of love and grace is all about. You get it because you GOT it. I work through vessels of clay. When you minister, others know and see me clearer because of my grace to you. They know that this amazing power is from me. Not you.

Have we talked about this before?

Yes we have. Many times.

I'm sorry I keep bringing it up.

Hey...that's ok. You're only human. You're not Jesus you know!


But remember, we've got your back.

I know.

Well...don't forget it, and...I love you.

I love you too. 



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