It's a miracle...of love and grace

The affects of a stroke made communication very difficult for Mr. W.
Urgency to learn of his spiritual health was hastened by an elevated
PSA of over 1000 indicating late stage prostate cancer.

Dr. Stone circled his name first on the list of patients for me to see. He
was concerned about Mr. W. There was nothing left to do medically.
Mr. W's spiritual health weighed heavy on Dr. Stones mind.

Within minutes Mr. W stated that he wanted God in his life. Through
scribbled notes, guttural expressions, and teary eyes he expressed his
desire to know God. It's as if he was waiting for me to come.

I took my colleague, Dr. Dunn back to Mr. W's room to assist me in
communication. Instantly Dr. Dunn remembered him from years past as a
patient in his clinic.

Mr. W received the Lord today in a wonderful expression of faith. In the spirit of Acts 8:36, with Phillip and the Eunuch, we baptized him immediately within moments of his discharge.

There are so many beautiful aspects of this conversion experience but
the thing I find most endearing of Gods infinite love for Mr. W is the
sequence of God orchestrated events that led to it all.

First, Gods unfailing love for Mr. W. Then, a physician that was
compelled to mention his name to me and circled it FIRST. Next was a former
physician that had planted spiritual seeds anxious to see it grow. And finally, Gods

Up to the second of his discharge to a nursing home, where he would surely die, he was plucked from Sheol (Jude 23  And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh).
The paramedics were literally waiting in the hall when Dr.
Dunn and I emerged from the patients room.

God's love is priceless and His timing is perfect. 5 minutes later and this precious soul would perhaps been lost for all eternity. If Dr. Stone had asked me to check
on the patient one day later, the event of this afternoon would not have happened. If Dr.
Dunn had not been with me to stall the transport clinicians, in all probability he would have been lost...forever.

As I reflect upon all the factors and components present which allowed this to happen they keep going... and going...and going. A miracle, of God sized porportion, took place in room 247. The most
important work in the hospital was happening before our eyes at that moment, in that very room. Can't you see it?

A miracle in room 247



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