
From whence does our trouble come? Look up, look down, look all around.

Look Up - As God is conforming us to His image; burning out the dross
of sin; refined through the fire.

Look Down - We once were children of darkness. The prince of darkness
will not willingly surrender his subjects. The snares of the deceiver
lay wait for the careless sojourner.

Look Around - We are not of this world. If the world is comfortable
with us, our friendship is uncomfortable to God. He that befriends
the world belies the Father.

As a roaring lion Satan seeks to devour the feeble that are separated
from the fold.

Expect trouble but not as a pessimist, as a warrior...on patrol;
holding forth the gospel of light; expelling darkness.

The journeymen are not unaware of the enemies schemes or fiery darts.
Know the serpents beguile.

Draw solace from His presence. Find sanctuary in His word. Rest in the
company of the saints. Bear ye one anothers burdens; lift up the
fallen; leave none behind.

Hebrews 12:12 Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and
the feeble knees.

Help is just around the corner.


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