I've got you...under my skin

Philippians 1:7 It is right for me to feel this way about all of you,
since I have you in my heart...

Do you have someone God has laid on your heart? I hope you have
several people that you constantly think about and pray for. This is
part of the Christian dynamic. Encouragement, mercy, compassion, and
kindness are all fruits of the Holy Spirit.

The bottom line is you and I need each other. It's part of the
believers walk to touch others and lift up one another.

I can't begin to lists the times I needed God to have a human touch.
Someone to call or text just to say they loved me or was praying for
me. It's the kicker that moves us forward as we sojourn together.

You may think it weakness to need others. Well...you do need others,
and they need you! It's not weak, it's called LOVE. Our Lord went out
of His way, sometimes miles away, just to touch someones life. Picking
up a pen or a phone or walking across the hall to say a word of
affirmation might be the most important thing you do today.

Keep people in your heart. Let them know they are there. It's a ripple
effect that has endless possibilities.

John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if
you love one another."



  1. Some like to say it is all about "me and Jesus" but that does not speak to the fundamental connections that make us who we are as humans and as a called people of God. Grace comes to us through those means, the others that surround us as we journey together towards the future that God has planned for us. Grace can even come through Baptist chaplains which strikes me as amazing and more than likely proof of God's mysteriousness character. Good reflection Baptist Boy...


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