When it don't make sense

Habakkuk 1:6 & 12 I'm about to raise up Babylonians to punish you,
Babylonians, fierce and ferocious—
12 God, you're from eternity, aren't you?
Holy God, we aren't going to die, are we?
God, you chose Babylonians for your judgment work?
Rock-Solid God, you gave them the job of discipline?
But you can't be serious! (Message)

An age old question: How can God use the wicked to punish the righteous?

If you view this as a Hebrew question, you can understand Habakkuk's
concern. Gods chosen can't be subjected to a lesser people. Or can they?

In light of our understanding in the new covenant we clearly see how
God uses "all things" to his end.

Habakkuk couldn't grasp it. Neither could the psalmist when he said,
"how can we sing the Lords song in a foreign land".

We know how.... It's the Lords land and it's the Lords work. As one of
my seminary professors said, "he may be the devil, but he's the Lords

God can use the most despicable, disgusting, and desperate situation
to bring us closer to Him. If we recognize it and surrender to His

Habakkuk caught a glimpse of it when he wrote,
...but the righteous will live by his faith 2:4

It's God that brought you to it. It's God that will see you through it!
It's all His. All things were created by Him and FOR Him.

In Christ, the righteous have a huge advantage, the Lord of hosts is
His name.

Remember, God works everything together in a God sized way for the
good of you and me as we serve and love Him. There's no evil that can
overcome you that He can't lead you through to victory.

The just shall live by faith. He will use this for glory sake and for
your sake. Trust Him and fear not. It's the Lords land and you are His.


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