
Jeremiah 5:1
"Go up and down the streets of Jerusalem,
look around and consider,
search through her squares.
If you can find but one person
who deals honestly and seeks the truth,
I will forgive this city.
8:10... From the least to the greatest,
all are greedy for gain;
prophets and priests alike,
all practice deceit.

Corruption is a terrible thing. When it reaches into the highest
chambers it then becomes entrenched in the culture of a nation. At this point it's almost impossible for it to be eradicated. It spawns a people dependent upon a livelihood of corrupt practice and deceitful schemes. Because of it, wars are fought and revolutions are staged. Corruption is a way of life for many who live in repressed parts of the world. Unfortunately, bloodshed is about the only thing that can reverse the cycle.

Jeremiah lived in a land steeped in conspiracy, corruption, and lies.
His message of repentance was most certainly met with defiance as he
preached on the lonely streets of Jerusalem.
At one point, God said, " The prophets prophesy lies, the priest rule
by their own authority, and my people love it this way." Jer. 5:31

In Abraham fashion, God challenged Jeremiah to find just one righteous
In all Judah...
And he would spare them from destruction. Just...ONE

That's why righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach of the people.
Personally we know that sin ruins lives.
Well...it ruins nations too.

The weapon that fights against deceit and human depravity is
righteousness. America was founded on the principles of righteousness
through the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's why corruption is still
headlines today and not business as usual. At least for now.

The question today is what level of corruption are you comfortable
with? What shape would the world be in if everyone adopted your code
of ethics?

I'm convinced that as our culture slips further down the path of moral
bankruptcy the call for all believers becomes abundantly clear:

A call to holiness.
A call for Christlike integrity.

Righteous men or women that say, "I don't need your shady deal or
under the table break. God will meet my need. If He doesn't, I don't
need it."

What kind of witness would that have today? How lovely would our land
be if all lived by that code?

What does the Lord require of you? To do justly, to love mercy, and
to walk humbly with God. Micah 6:8

Have you ever thought that perhaps your righteousness may save the day?

Jeremiah's search was for ONE.
One person...
Incorruptible, righteous, and just.
Could you have been that ONE?



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