Hearts Ablaze

Luke 24:32 They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the scripture to us?"

Our pursuit of Christ and the intimacy we share with Him is due in part to the fire that is ignited in our hearts.

This is a product of the Holy Spirit alive and stirring within us. He is our teacher and guide to all things spiritual and exalting in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus.

Walking in the Spirit is not based on feelings, however when we receive such disclosures as these two men on the road our hearts feel warm, stirred, and moved.

The sense of being in the presence of holiness and deity came to these two through the word of God. You can't separate Christ from his word nor his word from the Holy Spirit of God.

When you are in need of assurance from the Father; turn to the word of God. There are times that the silence in our spiritual life can leave us depressed and discouraged. Pick up the word and begin reading. God speaks through the pages of His scripture. Understanding is given to us by His Spirit. At times, that is just enough assurance we need to persevere.

Our walk is not rooted in the feeling but praise God for the moments that set our hearts on fire. The wonders in His love letter to you will move your heart and quicken the spirit. Remember, His word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.


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