
Titus 2:11   For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

John Sheldon, in the mid-17th century, was regarded as the most brilliant mind in England if not the world. He was a historian as well as a legal authority. His library consisted of over 8000 books. The writings, lectures, and opinions of John Sheldon  are regarded to this day as the loftiest of intellect. On his death bed, the archbishop of England stated that as Sheldon lay dying, he said these words;

"I have surveyed most of the learning that is among the sons of men. My study is filled with books and manuscripts on various subjects. At the present, I cannot recall out of all my manuscripts and writings one phrase upon which I can anchor my soul save this; "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men."

In times of need, distress, and even death, the heart and mind of all people, from the mighty, to the weak, cry out in unison for one singular request  "save me"

Scripture says that faith comes by hearing. Think of all those today who need hope; who cry for help; in a fainted effort, are looking upward, yet have never heard of the Savior....who came to save. Their is no greater message than Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief.(1 Tim.1:15)

Share the message of hope.
In Gods time and fashion, His word will not return void.


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