Joy of the Cross (Part III)

Have you taken up your cross?
Tell me about it. Describe it to me.
Where did you find it? In physical pain; through family or relationship; loss; in occupation; through impediment; ruin of security; poverty; weakness of your flesh; in persecution?

How big is you? Multiply that to an infinite number and you describe Him closer than your original thought. His love for you is equally infinite and matchless. I cannot define or describe how; only why. His charity is unceasing toward you. The cross is His way; the
way to paradise; to glory. It hurts; but it hurts like heaven.

"Realize that you must lead a dying life; the more a man dies to himself, the more he begins to live unto God." 
- Thomas A Kempis  (The Imitation Of Christ)

Sin has met it's match in the cross. It cannot co-exist. Like fetters the transgressions of our nature fall beneath the blood.

Your cross will lead you to joy unspeakable; holiness; peace beyond understanding.

Oh how He loves.


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