The Miracle on Madison Street

Buttercups and I never got along very well. I believe it began when I was a young lad and my mother would scold me for mowing down her springtime clusters. Every year I would declare war on her precious yellow clods. Through my seasoned years I have grown to appreciate the beauty, timing, and presentation of this seasonal bloomer. Winter has been a chilly one this year with more snow than years combined. For a cold weather lover I have caught myself looking forward to spring. Driving down Madison St. in Clarksville , TN. you discover a breathtaking sight every March. A hillside of literally hundreds of thousands of buttercups. They are planted in perfect parallel rows one after another. Yellow flags exploding on a still wintry gray landscape. I don't know who the keeper is but great care goes into the preparations of that hillside. Each spring all the leaves and limbs are removed and the landscape is groomed. When the bulds explode the colors are stunning. It's like God and t...