Just Thinking

Where all men think alike, no one thinks very much - Walter Lippmann

This world would be a boring place if we all thought alike. The
music producer hears a sound and thinks through a tune and produces a
melody that captures our heart. An architect imagines a project
and in turn creates a national treasure. An artist meditates on an image
and by imagination paints a masterpiece.

Our lives are enriched by those who think differently. One person
thinks poetically and another analytically. Each is uniquely important to making
this world interesting, different, and ...beautiful.
As we grow in Christ we can celebrate and rejoice in the wonder of
every person and appreciate their gifts and deliberation.
The challenge for most of us is to see the uniqueness of each
persons thoughts and perceptions as a contribution rather than a
This is not to say we shouldn't think alike about many things but
the beauty and creativity that enhances much of our world is the work of
diverse minds.
The bible says, ...many advisers make victory sure. Pr.11:14

When all men think alike, no one thinks very much!



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