We talk about what think about..

It takes about 24 hours for me to know if a movie made an
impression on me or not. It takes a while to process all the
information or stimulation I've exposed my mind to. The next thing I
do is start asking people if they have seen "captain corelli 's
mandolin" or "bourne identity" (two of my favorite movies). Before
realizing it, I'm anxious to share it with others.
We talk about what we think about...and we think about what we
love. The more I think about Christ, the more I talk about Him. It may
be in the context of a sermon from my pastor or a devotion I've read.
Even if it made me uncomfortable, I roll it over in my mind
subconsciously weighing it's impact on my life.
The scripture says, blessed is the mind that stays on him, and the
mind of the spirit is controlled by the spirit.

Lord, help my heart and mind be consumned by you. I ask that my
thoughts be your thoughts and my ways be your ways. Open my eyes to
see your works that my lips may sing your praise. In Jesus name, Amen.


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