Chaplain 101

I appreciate eveyones prayers for me as I continue the CPE training at
the Veterans Hospital in Nashville. The work is different than my
experience as a pastor but in some ways it is the same. Ministering to
the sick is the primary part of a Chaplain but the surprising
opportunities of ministering to the clinical staff is altogether new.
Yesterday I passed out bibles to the patients on 2north and as I
wound my way around to all the rooms nurses, technicians, and
custodians also began to clamour around to get a free bible. It gave
me an opportunity to share the love of Christ and establish
friendships to the ones that are working alongside of me to bring
healing to the sick.
If your reading this blog, please pray for me especially on Monday
through Wednesday. Pray that I will be like Christ in all my patience,
counsel, and love. Please pray that God will open doors as I pursue
what he has planned. It's my desire to continue with the chapain in
residence program. Pray with me about this. The resident chaps are
chosen this spring and begin full time in the fall. Two are usually
chosen among the interns.



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