The Valley of Prosperity

It doesn't get any better than looking out over the
summits of The Great Smokey Mountains National Park. Angie and I spent
our honeymoon there over 25 years ago. We go back as often as we can
to take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the smokies. I can
picture it all in my mind right now as I blog. Every time we vacation
there we find it hard to pack it up and head home. We always talk
about how neat it would be to own a mountain top chalet and live up
where the air is clean and surrounded by wildlife. And the view!!!
Absolutely amazing
Eventually, reality sets in and we make our way back down off the
mountain to the valley below and head home.

It's important to have mountain top experiences as we walk with God.
When we stand on the peak we can see where we've been and where we're
going, but to get where we're going we have to travel through the

Things grow in the valley. Life is lived in the valley. You can't
enjoy the awe and beauty of the mountain until you sojourn in the

I can look back through the years and see that my spiritual growth has
come from the lessons learned while plowing through the bottom ground
of struggle. Adversity, sin, hardships, and sorrow have all been my
teacher. Things I learned in the deep ravines. The scripture says that we
suffer many kinds of trials so that our faith, which is more precious
than gold, will be REFINED.

We grow ever stronger as we persevere through the sinkholes and seasons of life.

Mountain tops are there to remind us of Gods soveringty and rewards. Paths through deep hollows shape us and mold us in grace, forgiveness, hope and promise. Here we learn

how to be salt and light, and how to share the love of Christ to those
on life's journey. As you face the dark road that may before you
remember that God has a perfect plan that He is designing just for
you. His love for you has brought you to where you are! He will see
you through and your testimony of His blessing and grace will be
amazing. Do not despair. The God of the mountain is God of the valley.

If we never had a problem, We would never know that God could solve
them. Surrender your will to Him so that you may say with the Psalmist
tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death , I will fear no
evil, for YOU are with me!




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