The Reason for ALL Seasons

He came as he did to be what he was. He was what he was to do what he did. He did what he did so that we could be....SAVED from our sins. It's impossible to water down the deity and identity of Jesus and still have a savior. Jesus came as he did - born of a vigin To be what he was - sinless and pure He was what he was - the sinless son of God To do what he did - die for OUR sins He did what he did - so we could be born the children of God Compromise the virgin birth and the entire goodnews of the gospel is compromised. Comprimise his diety and God has no beloved son Comprimise his holiness and sin has no atonement Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life The fullness of God dwells in Christ which means all that God is, all that God does, and all that God will do orbits around the SON Celebrate this season that Jesus is our Savior...Redeemer...Friend. Watch & listen